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Me and

my babies!

Top Avon Representative working from home
Lydia Osolinsky

Know how to set yourself up for success. Having the right support makes all the difference.

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Marketing Mentor

About Me:



Lydia is a mom, wife, and entrepreneur. A Platinum Executive Leader, Lydia currently leads the second largest team in Avon. 


Driven by the desire to work from home and help others do the same, she has mentored hundreds in building small businesses and finding more balance in their lives.


She has been featured in Marie Claire, Redbook, Better Homes & Gardens, People, and Parents magazines. She has served on multiple advisory boards, assisting in the creation of tools for direct sales and the marketing of products. 


In 2018, Lydia was personally selected to lead a takeover of Avon's Facebook page for Representatives, and act as an Instagram influencer, and was the featured on the company's podcast. Lydia is the host of frequent training webinars for small business owners, and has learned to roll with it when her kids bust into her Zoom meetings.


Lydia is a certified skincare and makeup expert, a Girl Scout Troop Leader, a vintage knick-knack enthusiast, and a pretty snazzy dresser, too.


Avon Independent Sales Representative

Let's chat!

Top Avon Leader sees herself featured with her daughter in Better Homes & Gardens Magazine
Top Avon Representatives speaking on stage at a corporate training event in San Antonio
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