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Avon Leader Tools: Emails to bring Removed Reps back to your Team


Once you build a team, it's normal that some of your Reps won't continue with Avon forever. But one thing that you may not know: many stop because they DON'T EVEN REALIZE their account has gone inactive and is now removed! They actually want to keep their Avon benefits, or they still love the products but being a Rep just doesn't fit with their life at the moment.

Here are steps you can follow to reach out to those former reps to let them know how to come back, either as a rep with a new account OR as your customer.

How to find the list of Discontinued Reps

First, you need to have the list of former Reps to contact. When you go into VIBE (the program on to view your team), you'll see 2 reports: 1. Removals (Under Team Reports > Reports) and 2. Discontinued (Under Team Reports > Static Reports).

  1. Removals: these are Reps who have not placed an order recently and their account has gone inactive. They can easily reinstate their account by logging into and placing an order of any size. You can view this report for all generations of team removals.

  2. Discontinued: these are Reps who've had their accounts completely removed. If they left with their accounts in good standing, they can come back by getting a new Avon account. With $0 enrollment, it's easy and free to re-enroll. You can only view this report for 1st generation team members. This report changes each campaign so be sure to download it every campaign to capture this info!

Now let's start working that list!

Email Template to Discontinued Rep

SUBJECT: Your Avon Account

Hi, it’s NAME with Avon,

I just noticed that your account has been removed. But no worries!

I can help you find the BEST way to keep your Avon benefits.

Here are a few options:

  1. Get a new Avon account for $0

It’s really great timing because enrollment is $0 right now. So we can get you a new account easily. Just click here to enroll. [USE A HYPERLINK OR INCLUDE YOUR ENROLLMENT LINK HERE]

As a Rep, you’ll be able to shop at a discount and earn money when others shop with you.

You’ll also get:

  • Your own free web store/affiliate link

  • Free training and one-on-one support

  • Exclusive offers and discounts just for Avon Reps through Avon Perks

  • Access to the What’s New (demo) brochure with special discounts that are just for Reps

  1. Shop As A Customer

If being a Rep yourself is just too much right now, I get it!

You can shop as a customer and I’d be honored to be your personal Avon rep.

(And, if you decide to re-enroll as a Rep later, I can help you with that too.)

Here is a link to view the current brochure:


Which sounds like the best option for you?




Email Template en Espanol

SUBJECT: Tu Cuenta De Avon

Hola, soy NOMBRE con Avon,

Me acabo de dar cuenta de que tu cuenta ha sido eliminada. ¡Pero no te preocupes!

Puedo ayudarte a encontrar la MEJOR manera de mantener tus beneficios de Avon.

Aquí hay algunas opciones:

1. Obtén una nueva cuenta de Avon por $0

Es realmente un gran momento porque la inscripción cuesta $0 en este momento. Para que podamos conseguirle una nueva cuenta fácilmente. Simplemente haga clic aquí para inscribirse.

Como representante, podrá comprar con descuento y ganar dinero cuando otros compren con usted.

También obtendrás:

* Su propia tienda web gratuita/enlace de afiliado

* Capacitación gratuita y soporte personalizado

* Ofertas y descuentos exclusivos solo para representantes de Avon a través de Avon Perks

* Acceso al folleto What's New (demo) con descuentos especiales que son solo para representantes.

2. Compre Como Cliente

Si ser un representante es demasiado en este momento, lo entiendo.

Puedes comprar como cliente y sería un honor para mí ser tu representante personal de Avon.

(Y, si decide volver a inscribirse como representante más tarde, también puedo ayudarlo con eso).

Aquí hay un enlace para ver mi folleto digital:

¡Comuníquese en cualquier momento!

Deseándote lo mejor,


I'm rooting for you!



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Set yourself up for success--make me your mentor!

Click here to join one of the largest and strongest team in the NATION. Because having the right support makes all the difference.


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