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Avon Starter Kit 2022: Build Your Own


Updated: Nov 19, 2022

Right now Avon is offering $0 enrollment, which is incredible!

If you enroll HERE, you'll get:

  • Your own online store for customers to shop

  • Free on-demand training

  • A mentor ready to give personal support

  • Access to our team Facebook group where we share ideas, do giveaways, and support

  • Invitations to team calls, webinars, meetings, and incentives

But most Reps also swear by having sales tools and products on hand to really jump in strong.

Here are a few suggestions on what to order after you're enrolled to set yourself up for sales success:


I'd say the question I'm asked most often by new reps is, "How do I order books?"

The Avon brochure is ICONIC and there is nothing like flipping through the book to find new products that catch your eye. It sparks interest and is the perfect presentation of everything your Avon business has to offer.

Avon Brochure, Campaign 26, November 2022

Our brochures come in packs of 10 (English) and 5 (Spanish).

To order,

  1. Log into

  2. Click on "Shop"

  3. Click on "Sales Tools"

  4. There you will see brochures and can add to cart

Pro Tip: we recommend ordering brochures 2 campaigns in advance. Then you will have the current book and the next book ready to go. So, if we are in campaign 26, you'll want to order c27 and c28 books.


Avon Samples are an excellent way to introduce people to your shop.

If they TRY, they will love.

And if they love, they will BUY.

To see all of the samples available:

  1. Log into

  2. Type "samples" into the search

I recommend skincare, fragrance, and makeup samples. Your customers will be able to test the texture, smell the sent, and match their shade. All of these build trust with the product and lead to sales.

Isa Knox Clinical Eye Lift Pro Samples - Pack of 5

Product number 351-414

Isa Knox Anew LX Ultimate Day Cream Samples - 3 Samples

Product Number 549-596

Avon lipstick samples of fmg Glimmer Satin Lipstick for representatives to give up to build dales and get customers
fmg Glimmer Satin Lipstick Sample Packs, 235-751 and 342-250

Pro tip: Sample Pack #2 contains the 10 best-selling Avon True Color shades, but with our upgraded Glimmer Satin formula.

Sample Pack 1 includes:

  • Wildrose

  • Rose Angel

  • Luna

  • Hibiscus

  • Sierra Sunset

  • Poppy

  • Violet Night

  • Fog

  • Thunderbird

  • Firebolt

Product number 235-751

Sample Pack 2 includes:

  • Eclipse

  • Aster

  • Wild Cherry

  • Tulip

  • Consetellation

  • Morning Glory

  • Plum Blossom

  • Desert Moon

  • Equinox

  • Twilight

Product Number 342-250

Avon foundation sample
fmg Cashmere 24 Hour Foundation Beautiseal Sample

These foundation samples are great because each gives you a little bit of each shade in the color range to try. So just pick which color range your customer falls in and then they will be able to experience the formula and find their exact shade match.

Light Medium 592-966

Medium Tan 592-970

Tan Deep 592-985

Haiku Vial-On-Card Sample - Pack of 5

Product Number 578-367


Pro tip: Avon has pretty incredible rep-only bundles on the site that are high value for a super great price.

On, type "bundle" into the search bar to see the current offerings.

I've already looked through the best value bundles and put together a build-your-own starter kit.

It's worth $342 but costs you only $107.57.

It includes tons of products, premium samples and brochures--everything you need to get started!

To order, just log into and enter these product numbers.







NOTE: This offer is for November (Campaign 25) 2022.

Wishing you much success in your new Avon Business!


Not enrolled yet? Become an Avon Rep for $0!


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